Stó:lō Xwexwílmexw Government $500 Annual Draw and Stó:lō Signal $200 draws!

Announcing rules for Stó:lō Xwexwílmexw Government’s $500 Annual Draw and Stó:lō Signal $200 draws


We would like to encourage members to become involved in the conversation with the SXG. To encourage participation in our events, private @TheSXG Facebook Group, and other engagements, we will hold one draw for $500 every year at the Annual Gathering.

All you have to do to enter is:

  • Comment on our private Facebook group posts (liking isn’t enough 😊)
  • Invite your friends or family (who are SXG community members) to join our private Facebook group @TheSXG (if they accept, then we enter you and them) and/or join our group.
  • Submit selfies to our Stó:lō Signal Magazine (we usually ask for themed ones, but you can be proactive and suggest a theme!) via Facebook or email.
  • Come to our events (live or virtual!)
  • Ask us to host a Kitchen Table gathering for you and your family and everyone that attends will be entered!
  • Respond to our surveys or send us questions on Facebook or by email

Each interaction gets you one entry into the draw and there are no limits to the number of times we’ll put your name in.

We do have a few rules:

  1. You must be a member of one of our six SXG communities.
  2. You must be over the age of 18 to be included in the draw.
  3. Please be respectful in your communications with us.
  4. Engagements immediately after one Annual Gathering and up to and including the day of the next Annual Gathering are included in the annual draw.
  5. You must attend the Annual Gathering to win (on-line or in person).
  6. SXG staff, leadership and contractors are not eligible for the draw.

$200 draw

We also have $200 draws that are advertised in our Stó:lō Signal Magazine. To be entered in these, you must send us a suggestion for someone to interview for a feature in our multimedia projects. If you have completed a survey, provide a photo for our selfie requests or submit a question at an event or to our Coffee page. The winner of the previous draw will be noted in each issue of the magazine.

  1. You must be a member of one of our six SXTA communities.
  2. You must be over the age of 18 to be included in the draw.
  3. SXG staff, leadership and contractors are not eligible for the draw.
  4. $200 gift card draws will happen one month following every published Stó:lō Signal.

Other draws at individual events

When draws are held at individual events other than the Annual Gathering, spouses of members may be included.


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